-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Signed at 2024-07-02 Signature valid until 2024-08-01 This file contains the heartbeat of this server. You can verify it using my key (darkgeem@pyrokinesis.fr). If this heartbeat is not valid (outdated signature, wrong signature), please, do not trust anything that's posted on pyrokinesis.fr. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYKAB0WIQQrFlxQ+Wrw2WuikZCur/fHUDE2xAUCZoPFiAAKCRCur/fHUDE2 xP2PAQCkQmj9XHfHT5IpAbg6e87yea0dxKDYJ/ynlTRMt6+xCQEAzyPM7iYURNq4 elsRoT1lWBQPQNpKisnDN99YUQMETgM= =WW7S -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----